Thursday, December 31, 2009

New years Eve!

So Tomorrow is New Years Day, I don't even believe it. This year was a crazy year, but pretty much anyone can say the same thing. A year for someone can consist of so many different things, good/bad/sad/fun/amazing memories and events. I can personally say the last year was F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C. It was a year of great things mostly. And I could make a list, but there are things that some of you would think are that great. It's the little things in my mind that made my year so great, those little moments and small things that make the year so awesome.
I have a very sensitive heart and mind, and I have a very observant personality so i always have to take a second look and really enjoy the true beauty out of every situation.
Everything from somewhere I went, to a person, to a conversation meant so much to me. Don't get me wrong, the big things meant so much as well.
But Because of this year, I have moved so far and grown up so much. It's the experiences we have that help shape us into the people we are right at the end of the year. I'm happy to be where I am and I know God set it all up. He is the reason I am where I am, and even through all the difficult times, God god me through it and I know everything happened for a reason, and even now I can see why certain things happen. I'm very good at figuring out the outcome of situations later on, and then looking back and wondering why i was so angry and worried, GOD HAS MY BACK! I am very very happy with everything that has happened this past year, even if it hurt at the time I realize it's a learning experience and for most part i can just laugh. God doesn't give you anything you can't handle. Even when we have our doubts, we just have to give it God. God didn't make all these horrible things happen, its because of our Sin we feel like we suffer sometimes. But because of all the great outcomes of this year, it's lead me to next year, and that's my trip. It's going to be a great time, and I can't even believe it's in a week and a half, it's crazy! And i will have to think of a new years resolution.........?
I'm ready for this year, I'm ready for whatever comes my way, I want to expect the unexpected and live for the moment because i want to create more small simple moments that I will remember them for the rest of your life. I'm sure that while I'm gone I will have many. What I notice is, you only remember selective things. If you think back to a great time in your life, and when you think about it, you can only remember certain parts, but that's only when you let yourself remember, or you don't even know what that good memory will be till you think back on it later and your surprised to what it is. I don't know if that made any sense at all, but for me it does!
Tonight will be good. I didn't want to do anything big, so now it's just a few of my favourite people, and it will be cute. First, Fondue with myself, Chad, Mom, Dad, Amy and Tanya <3>
Then tomorrow I'm probs going to Camrose with Amy and her Mom and brother to visit so people, so that will be fun!
There are going to be like 7 people staying at my house, so we will just cuddle puddle in my room! LOVE IT.

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