Saturday, January 16, 2010


So these past few days have been crazy; great I might add. So after we left our host house we headed to London, a couple hours away. We were all tired, and i had woken up for 2 hours int he middle of the night, but i instead prayed for like an hour. We got to London and we went to out sketchy hostel! LOL! It was called Pay and sleep, so small. But for 7 pounds a night + breakfast you can't go wrong. Some rooms were cold and some super hot, and a picture of Zac Effron on the cover of rolling stones! HAHA! Then that day we roamed around London. It went fast, so beautiful! In the city there wasn't much snow at all, but everyone else was freezing. I wasn't at all. We went to place to place, met up with a guy names Gaz who was the son of the women I stayed with. And I took lots of neat pictures. Man, it's just like the pictures and it awesome. We walked so long, my legs hurt. We looked at lots of hestoric places, and we walked everywhere. We got some free time to wonder off then meet back up again. We went to this store like 39403 blocks away, but i manged to buy a shirt and a pair of shoes for 5 pounds! So cheap, but by the end of that time that's all i had left from 50. I bought some other things, like a English hat and another shirt. I like it. I can't even to describe what it was like, it was a rush but simply beauitiful. We didn't have a chance to do outreach but it was a blessing to just see it. Basically that day was over, and we took the complicated train routes back and went to bed to be up int he morning for 630 and leave by 7 to be at the airport.
We prayed for so much grace that day to have all our luggage through. Some stuff was over weight, but they let most of us through. Dave and Erin of course had to bring extra stuff and paid a big amount! But Jesus was good to us that day. The plane ride was so good. Once we started to fly over Malta I smiled. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE EVER ( that i have seen of course) The waves splashing the rocks and the island was so clean and pretty! We got off and got driven to our place which is in s place where people teach english! The suits we stay in our big with so much empty space, but a very neat style!
Basically up till now we have jsut settled in and just toured around. We went to this Rock-cliff area where it was so neat. We gonna go cliff diving one day. And other places. We went to a old Catholic castle thing to. Wow, its jsut a very neat place. You can go to one part of the island in like 25 min, its not that big. Apparently the population is like over 400,000. We went to a church today that was like 3 hours long, but thats because there was a translator too, but it was a very interesting service. We are starting a long rook game, so we were up so late doing that.
So much more, but unfortunatly for now i have to buy internet for my laptop and sit in the lobby. It's like 10 Euro's for 360 min. It's dumb, but i have to stay in touch some how.
Im excited to start next week. Were going to a church service tomorrow, and Danny ( the guy from London_ he came down for a bit and he will take us to a church. We'll do drama and stuff there, and lother stuff. WOW! LIfe! It's fantastic, I can't even describe it. And were like next to all the bars and clubs, but it really cool ow they have it set up. THat will be a beat place to do outreach and share God. Well that's all for now!!!!!!!

Ps. It's good to read everyone's blogs. And I miss you more <33333333

1 comment:

  1. You don't even know how much it makes me smile to hear about all of this! My goodness, it sounds fantastic babe. :)
