Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's all for you

Last Couple of days have been up and down, but Glorious at the same time. God has been showing me some cool things, and getting me to just be me. I need to pay attention to him, and not get distracted to the things that are making me frustrated like some of the people lately or lack of respect sometimes, but it's fine now. I guess I'm feeling more concerned for people lately then I should, though that's one of my qualities. But I can't control there walk with God, but I just feel more so being more angry because I can see there not giving it there all, but who am I to judge? I have to remember that everyone is going through something different, and I have to be happy with that. Christmas is right around the corner, and everyone is getting excited, which they should because so am I. But I don't think it's a valid excuse to just not put any effort into the rest of boot camp and press into Jesus more. I love him so much that I'm happy everyday to wake up and learn, though sometimes I feel I'm gonna blow up, but God gives me peace when I take the time to hang out with him, like on my walks at night.

I don't want everyone to go home and just forget, because were never "on a break" we need to be ready to listen to God and be servants for whatever he calls us to do. I'm so prepared for myself to do what he wants me over holidays, but also because I asked him to show me what to do, because I feel I owe it to him. I think of it as the "biggest Loser" my favourite show.
At the ranch, contestants learn principles to working out and change there life and lose weight. Eventually once there is like 5 people left, they go home for 60 days, essentially what we are doing after training is done. We go home and remember what we learned and become the person God turned us into. Not saying the 2 months have been the first for anyone, but it's definitely a turning point for most people, and Christmas is important to remember who Jesus is, and what he has done for us, and his story! We all come from different families and the environment is different, for some it's easy to go home, some it will be hard. But we have to remember everything we learned so we can go home and seek God even harder and not put him aside or away in a box. We need to continue praying hard and pressing in, no matter what. Our trip is soon, and we have to remember it's not a vacation.

I had a bad night last night, but i prayed and talked to Charla on my team over the phone, and then God put me at peace. And the boys finally cleaned our room after being at Operation Christmas Child because it was gross, but I'm thankful & happy they finally did it.

  • Filming almost done
  • Classes almost done
  • Excited for Sheridan's show on the weekend
  • Chad's last week for chemo, and hopes its the last
  • Need to make a new prayer list

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